
  • Linkage−Less Non−Contact Position Feedback
  • Built to Survive
  • Accurate and Responsive
  • Travel Control/Pressure Fallback
Ease of Use
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Faster Commissioning
Easy Maintenance
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Faster Commissioning
  • Easy Maintenance
  • Hardware Savings
  • Increased Uptime
  • Improved Maintenance Decisions


Available Mounting

  • Integral mounting to the Control Valve and Actuator System
  • Integral mounting to Fisher rotary actuators
  • Sliding−stem linear applications
  • Quarter−turn rotary applications

Digital valve controllers can also be mounted on other actuators that comply with IEC 60534-6-1, IEC 60534-6-2, VDI/VDE 3845 and NAMUR mounting standards.

Input Signal Point-to-Point

Analog Input Signal: 4−20 mA DC, nominal; split ranging available
Minimum Voltage Available at Instrument Terminals must be 10.5 VDC for analog control, 11 VDC for HART communication
Minimum Control Current: 4.0 mA Minimum Current w/o Microprocessor Restart: 3.5 mA
Maximum Voltage: 30 VDC Overcurrent protected Reverse Polarity protected


Instrument Power: 11 to 30 VDC at 8 mA Reverse Polarity protected

Output Signal

Pneumatic signal, up to 95% of supply pressure
Minimum Span: 0.4 bar (6 psig)
Maximum Span: 9.5 bar (140 psig)
Action: ■ Double, ■ Single Direct or ■ Reverse

Supply Pressure

Minimum Recommended: 0.3 bar (5 psig) higher than maximum actuator requirements
Maximum: 10.0 bar (145 psig) or maximum pressure rating of the actuator, whichever is lower

Supply Medium

Air or Natural Gas
Air: Supply pressure must be clean, dry air that meets the requirements of ISA Standard 7.0.01. A maximum 40 micrometer particle size in the air system is acceptable. Further filtration down to 5 micrometer particle size is recommended.
Electrical Housing CSA— Type 4X, IP66 FM— NEMA 4X IECEx— IP66

Other 3rd party approvals pending

The Gas Certified DVC6200 is FM, IECEx, and CSA Single Seal approved for use with natural gas as the supply medium
Supply Pressure: 1/4 NPT internal and integral pad for mounting 67CFR regulator
Output Pressure: 1/4 NPT internal Tubing: 3/8−inch recommended Vent: 3/8 NPT internal
Electrical: 1/2 NPT internal, M20 adapter optional

Actuator Compatibility

Stem Travel (SlidingStem Linear) Minimum: 11 mm (0.45 inch)(4) Maximum: 606 mm (23−7/8 inches)
Natural Gas: Natural gas must be clean, dry, oil−free, and noncorrosive. H2S content should not exceed 20 ppm.

Steady-State Air Consumption

At 1.4 bar (20 psig) supply pressure: Less than
0.38 normal m3/hr (14 scfh)
At 5.5 bar (80 psig) supply pressure: Less than
1.3 normal m3/hr (49 scfh)
Maximum Output Capacity
At 1.4 bar (20 psig) supply pressure: 10.0 normal
m3/hr (375 scfh)
At 5.5 bar (80 psig) supply pressure: 29.5 normal m3/hr (1100 scfh)

Operating Ambient Temperature Limits

−40 to 80°C (−40 to 176°F)
−52 to 80°C (−62 to 176°F) for instruments utilizing the Extreme Temperature option (fluorosilicone elastomers)

Independent Linearity

Typical Value: ±0.50% of output span

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Meets EN 61326-1 (First Edition)
Immunity—Industrial locations per Table 2 of the EN 61326-1 standard.
Emissions—Class A
ISM equipment rating: Group 1, Class A

Vibration Testing Method

Tested per ANSI/ISA-S75.13.01 Section 5.3.5.

Input Impedance

An equivalent impedance of 550 ohms may be used. This value corresponds to 11V @ 20 mA.

Humidity Testing Method

Tested per IEC 61514−2

Electrical Classification Hazardous Area Approvals

CSA— Intrinsically Safe, Explosion−proof, Division 2, Dust Ignition−proof
FM— Intrinsically Safe, Explosion−proof, Non−Incendive, Dust Ignition−proof
IECEx— Intrinsically Safe, Flameproof, Type n

Shaft Rotation (Quarter−Turn Rotary)

Minimum: 45°
Maximum: 90°


Aluminum: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs)

Construction Materials

Housing, module base and terminal box: ASTM B85 A03600 low copper aluminum alloy Cover: Thermoplastic polyester
Elastomers: Nitrile (standard)


  • Supply and output pressure gauges or ■ Tire valves, ■ Integral mounted filter regulator,
  • Low−Bleed Relay, ■ Extreme Temperature
  • Natural Gas Certified