Gas Measurement & Regulating Solutions

Rotary Gas Meter

Natural gas Companies worldwide use in commercial and industrial natural gas measurement applications. Our Rotary Gas Meter are also used in both high flow residential applications and low volume transmission applications. Rotary Gas Meter are used at the well head gathering line, compressor stations, gas distribution systems, and end users such as chemical and processing plants.
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Pilot Controlled Pressure Regulator

Pilot-controlled pressure regulator for medium and high pressure applications. Pilot-controlled pressure regulator is normally a failed open regulator and specifically will open under the following conditions:-breakage of main diaphragm,lack of feeding to the pilot loop. This regulator is suitable for use with previously filtered, non-corrosive gases.
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Safety Device

Safety device which quickly intercept gas flow whenever the pressure under monitoring reaches a pre-set limits, or whenever manually required by operator on site or through a remote command.
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